Register for access to Members’ Pages

If you are NOT a member of a Mark or Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in Belgium, but wish to have access to the Members’ Pages, please use the “Question” option to email the District Secretary. He will advise you on obtaining access.

If you are a member, and wish to have access to the Members’ Pages, you will need a username and password. Please complete the form below which will be emailed to the website administrator.

Enter your Lodge number to select your Lodge.
Full name please (first names and family name)!
Select from the dropdown list.
Select from the dropdown list.
Please add any special comments.
By signing below and submitting this request you acknowledge that the content contained in the Members' only pages is only for members of Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges working in Belgium. You also agree that the information on those pages will be used for personal purposes only, will not be distributed to others without the prior approval of the District Grand Secretary, and will remain confidential.

Mark Freemasonry in Belgium